Miles Drive: 2,557M
States Visited: 4
Rides (11 Rides, 230.7 Miles Ridden):
- (Epic) Trail 401 - 15.1M
- (Epic) Monarch Crest - 35.5M
- Upper Upper and Strand Hill - 12.0M
- Doctor Park with Matchless- 23.0M
- (Epic) The Whole Enchilada (Burro Pass, Hazard Country, Kokopelli, UPS, Porc Rim) - 32.5M
- Gooseberry Mesa -18.6M
- J.E.M. Loop - 21.0M
- Cottonwood North - 17.5M
- (Epic) Bootleg Canyon -18.0M
- Fantasy Park - 19.0M
- La Milagrosa - 18.5M
- Outerbike
- Red Bull Rampage